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Five Ways to Boost Your Core Web Vitals

There’s no single thing that can solve all of your problems. Optimizing your site must be seen from a wider perspective. You will see that small fixes add up to big results. This list will only be a guideline. Google has stated that scores are made up of many elements. If you can identify which elements combine, the score will rise.

Five Things Your Developer Can Do

It’s been a constant theme over the years that site speeds are important, as well as user experience. It can be hard to put the knowledge you have gathered into practice. Google placed speed at the forefront with its page experience upgrade this year. It developed tools to assist you in improving your scores, thus, offering your users a better experience.

The advice has remained the same for many topics. It’s all about getting your main content to your visitors as quickly as possible. You can run the test to check how your site does, then prioritize the changes you need to make. 

Optimize Images

This list starts with optimizing images. Properly optimizing your images is one of your most important tasks. Although we have already said it many times, we are going to repeat it: optimize your images. It could cost you your website or landing page by having one large optimized photo.

We have a popular article SEO that explains how to get the image to load quickly. Make sure to compress it well and serve it in the appropriate size. This is easy with the help of many tools.

Speed up The Server to Lower Your Loading Time

The quicker your server responds to requests, the better. It is important to improve site speed by getting that server to respond more quickly. Complex sites have servers that are constantly busy serving requests and scripts. Therefore, optimizing these processes is important.

Optimizing your server involves several steps. First, upgrade your hosting account. This is one way to improve site performance. Hosting is a must. Make sure you choose one that delivers good performance for a reasonable price. The server’s setup is also important. Make sure to install the most recent PHP version.  And what hardware? If your hardware is not up-to-standard, it may be time to upgrade. Also, research how your databases are used and look for ways to improve.

To Load More Content Above the Fold, You Need To Look At Critical CSS

The browser has to load a page. To do this, it must first get the HTML and render it. Your site will load faster if there are more files to load. It is often impossible for the browser to load some files while it is busy working. Certain elements slow down the process. JavaScript and CSS, so-called render-blocking JavaScript, have an influence on everything.

Improve Loading of Third-Party Scripts

For many websites, slowness can also come from the outside. If you rely on ad scripts for traffic, your site is in the hands and control of the ad company. Their ads should be fast and efficient, so you can only trust them. You may want to consider switching providers if your ads load slowly.

Increase Core Web Vitals

Google made site speed & user experience front and center again after the page experience upgrade was fully implemented. SEO is complex and should be approached holistically. These tips may be helpful in improving your Core Web Vitals score, but they are not enough to make your visitors’ experience better.

ConclusionDymic Digital is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their digital marketing skills. The course is comprehensive and covers everything from the basics of SEO to more advanced concepts like conversion optimization. We highly recommend Dymic Digital to anyone seeking to take their digital marketing game to the next level.

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