HomeBusinessHow To Save Yourself From The Costly Zoom Charges In Kenya

How To Save Yourself From The Costly Zoom Charges In Kenya

Zoom charges are one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a traveler. When you take a photo or video with your phone and send it to someone, they suddenly get an outrageous bill for more than $10 per image. It’s a nightmare that can quickly add up, especially if you’re travelling in Kenya. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to avoid these costs, and we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll outline some of the best ways to save yourself from zoom charges in Kenya. From using alternative apps to avoiding sending photos and videos altogether, read on for tips that will keep your wallet (and sanity) intact.

Zoom is a video calling app that charges users for long distance calls

Zoom is a video calling app that charges users for long distance calls.

Users in Kenya who use Zoom can incur expensive long distance phone call charges because the app uses a global platform which connects users through voice over internet protocol (VoIP).

To avoid these charges, Zoom recommends using its chat feature instead of making long distance calls. However, this method is less reliable and can be more expensive.

The best way to save money on Zoom calls is to sign up for a monthly plan and make only short distance calls. This will reduce the number of minutes you consume, which will in turn reduce your long distance bill.

How zoom charges work

Zoom charges are one of the most common fees charged by businesses in Kenya. When you photograph something with a digital camera, your camera’s zoom lens is automatically activated. This can generate large charges if you’re not aware of them – especially if you’re travelling and using your camera abroad.

Here’s how zoom charges work: when you take a picture with a digital camera, the camera’s zoom lens is automatically activated. This action can cause the images to be magnified up to 4x or 5x. (Some cameras have even more powerful zooming capabilities.) If you take a picture of something that’s far away, the image will be magnified at least threefold.

This magnification process can generate high Zoom Charges if your camera is connected to an electronic device such as a phone or computer. The Zoom Charges will appear on your bill as ‘Camera Fees.’

If you’re travelling and taking pictures with your digital camera, it’s important to be aware of these charges so that you don’t end up spending a lot of money unnecessarily. Here are some tips for avoiding Zoom Charges:

“1) Make sure your digital camera is properly charged before using it – empty batteries tend to reduce zoom abilities.” “2) Use manual mode when taking pictures – this will prevent the camera from zooming automatically.” “3) Keep your digital photos and videos organized together – Zooming into individual photos may result in higher Zoom Fees.” “4) Avoid taking

How to avoid zoom charges in Kenya

Zoom charges are a common and costly problem in Kenya. If you’re travelling with your digital camera, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid costly zoom charges.

Before your trip, research the local telephone rates and make sure that your international phone cards will work zoom in Kenya. Make sure to bring enough money to cover any unexpected costs, like zoom charges.

When you arrive in Kenya, be aware of the local customs about taking photos with a digital camera. In most cases, it’s polite to ask before taking a photo of someone else. If someone doesn’t want their photo taken, it’s usually polite to respect their wishes.

If you do encounter a situation where you need to take a photo with a digital camera without permission, try to be discreet about it. Sometimes people are willing to let you take a picture if they understand why you’re doing it.

Never give your digital camera away without first getting permission from the person or group you’re photographing. And always remember that taking photos of people without their consent is illegal in most countries, even if they’re not wearing traditional clothing that identifies them as persons of interest in criminal investigations or lawsuits.


Zoom charges are a global issue and they are becoming more common in Kenya. If you’re not careful, you could be paying high fees for various photo services, including photo editing and photo sharing. In this article, I provide some tips on how to avoid being ripped off by zoom operators in Kenya. By following these steps, you’ll be able to stay safe and save money without having to compromise on the quality of your photos.

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