HomeFinance5 Ways to Maximize Your IRA Investments & Save More Money

5 Ways to Maximize Your IRA Investments & Save More Money

Everyone wants to save and grow their wealth for retirement life. But with all the hustle in professional and personal life, long-term financial planning gets quickly dropped to the bottom of the priority list. However, retirement planning is essential and shouldn’t be ignored. The foremost step is to open an IRA (individual retirement account). 

There are different types of IRA accounts; you can choose one based on your profile and needs. If you have a self-directed IRA, the custodians will require IRA fees ranging from $50 to $300 for the setup. There are other fees as well, including annual fees, transaction fees, and other self-directed IRA services fees. You have to consider these charges while setting up your IRA. But how much should you put in an IRA account? The highest amount you can contribute to all of your IRAs if you are under 50 is $6,000. This limit increases to $7,000 if you are over 50 years old. You will be very close to the IRA contribution limit if you can make $500 a month. 

Fortunately, some IRA investment techniques can significantly increase your retirement funds. 

Here are 5 ways to grow your IRA investments and accumulate more wealth for the future:

1) Start at an early stage

If you focus on early investment, you can save more money for IRA investment. Then you can leave everything to the magic of compound interest. Remember, compounding has a snowball effect. The longer your money has to compound, the higher your IRA balance will be. Reinvesting your investment returns will give you extra returns, which you can reinvest, and so on. If you cannot make the most contribution in a given year, try not to let it discourage you. Whatever little you can, invest. Given enough time, even small amounts can increase your capital.

2) Make contributions to your 401(k) account

If you are eligible and your company offers a typical 401(k) plan, you might be able to contribute pretax money. It can have a significant benefit. Let’s say you want to contribute $100 per pay period and are in the 12% tax bracket. Since that money is deducted from your paycheck before applying federal income taxes, only $88 will be lost from your take-home pay. This means that you can increase your investment without having a significant impact on your monthly budget.

3) Think about Roth IRA

Converting a standard IRA into a Roth IRA may benefit some taxpayers. A Roth account may be a wiser choice if you foresee paying more taxes in retirement than you do now. Your money in a Roth IRA doesn’t immediately result in tax savings. But each year, your tax-free investment increases as withdrawals made after the age of 59 and 1/2 from accounts at least five years old remain tax-free. Owners of long-term Roth accounts are exempt from paying income taxes on long-term investment growth. Roth IRAs let you create a tax-free source of retirement income, while standard IRA distributions are taxed when you withdraw the money.

4) Consider purchasing individual stocks

The most common IRA investment is a mutual fund since it is simple and provides heterogeneity. Research is more time-consuming when investing in individual equities, but your portfolio may benefit from better returns. If you can select particular stocks and have the knowledge and time to do so, you might be able to increase the returns on your retirement savings. Generally, owning individual stocks can give you more control, better tax efficiency, and lower expenses management.

5) Make up for lost contributions

Employees close to retirement are qualified to contribute more to IRAs than their younger counterparts. Thanks to catch-up contributions, you can contribute more money to a retirement account in the years before you retire. Employees 50 years or older may contribute up to $1,000 in catch-up IRA contributions


Having a secured retirement is crucial, not just for yourself but also for your family. You should recognize the amount you want to save for retirement and adopt new methods to boost your earnings. A typical retirement regret is beginning too late and saving too little. Early contributions to an IRA provide for the longest possible period of growth. You can stay stress-free in your retirement if you start putting up the effort from now.

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