HomeTechnologyHow Can You Increase PC Performance by Overclocking CPU? 

How Can You Increase PC Performance by Overclocking CPU? 

Overclocking a CPU is a great way to increase its speed, but you must be careful to avoid damaging your system. If you do, your system could suffer from unstable temperatures and overheating. For instance, if you have a Mac, you can contact Apple support to ask how to boost your device’s performance. It is not much different from calling Cox customer support number or some other ISP to resolve your queries. In order to ensure that your CPU overclocking process is safe, you must perform a stress test by running the benchmarking program and rebooting the system.   

If you consider upgrading your PC’s hardware, you should pay attention to the CPU. It could be a good idea to adjust the CPU’s voltage and frequency safely. The CPU is an integral part of your PC and needs to be well-cared for to perform at its best. 

Here are some ways by which you can overclock your PC and improve CPU performance: 

Upgrade Your Hardware to Improve Performance 

When upgrading your PC, memory, and CPU are pivotal components. These two components will boost PC performance. Before upgrading any components, make sure you stress test your PC and determine which parts are not performing as well as they should. Once you’ve determined these components, you can upgrade the other components to ensure your PC runs smoothly.  

Try to consider the graphic card. An upgrade in this component can give your PC a noticeable boost in performance. However, you may have to replace your motherboard if your system is too old. Some PC manufacturers use integrated graphics in their systems, which are more than sufficient for Photoshop and 4K video. However, upgrading your processor is not always possible, which may make your computer feel outdated. 

Changing your hard drive can also enhance your system’s speed. Unlike HDDs, SSDs can reduce boot times by as much as 30 percent, and they can open files and applications faster. The storage capacity of your hard drive is an important factor in determining your system’s speed, as it affects the amount of time it takes to load and access files.  

Find a Safe Frequency 

Overclocking CPUs is dangerous unless you’re sure of the outcome. While you may enjoy playing games or running applications at top speeds, pushing your CPU beyond its base and boosting frequencies will eventually cause it to crash.  

You can use benchmarking applications or games to find the safest CPU frequency for your system. For instance, you can try using the Heaven benchmark, a 3D rendering test running in a desktop window. 

Reset Your BIOS Settings or Use a Benchmarking Program 

The first step in overclocking your CPU is to check your BIOS settings. When you reset the BIOS settings, your PC will reset the default values. Then, change the multiplier until you achieve the desired speed and performance. Be careful with this process, as it could result in your computer freezing, crashing, or experiencing a black screen. 

You may use a benchmarking program to determine the CPU temperature. You can run it in your browser to get results. You can also save the results. Once you have the results, you can overclock your CPU and improve PC performance. This method is safe for most CPUs and video cards. It is important to note that some processors are more prone to overclocking than others. 

Adjust CPU Voltage 

To begin overclocking your CPU, you’ll want to make sure that your motherboard can handle the voltage for you. You can experiment with Offset and Adaptive modes, but don’t try manual voltage settings. These modes place significant stress on the CPU and increase its risk of failure. 

You must boot into the BIOS on your motherboard to increase the CPU voltage. There, you will see the Vcore, written as 1.235 volts. You must know that each CPU sample is different. You should increase the CPU voltage gradually and in small increments to get the best results. This way, you won’t permanently damage the CPU chip. 

You can also try overclocking your CPU by gradually increasing the multiplier and CPU voltage. Increasing the CPU’s multiplier beyond its capability is not recommended and can lead to crashes and black screens. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and ensure you have complete knowledge of your CPU’s capabilities.  

Raise the Multiplier 

Another way to increase the speed of your CPU is to raise the multiplier on your processor. Increasing the multiplier will increase the clock speed of your CPU. Your base motherboard clock is 100 MHz, so multiply it by 36, and you’ll get 3.6 GHz. Increasing the multiplier by a few tenths w

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